Friday, August 28, 2009


I've always wondered what the cast of New Moon would taste like.

I wonder if they asked them "If you were a candy filling, what would you be?"

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Coolest Shoes EVER!

I've been trying to score a pair on eBay but with no luck. I love going barefoot, so these shoes would be perfect for me.

Coolest Shoes EVER!

I've been trying to score a pair on eBay but with no luck. I love going barefoot, so these shoes would be perfect for me.

My Calendar

Click on the link below for a preview. I'm the second one, wearing a black top and giving my teenie-tiny smile.

A fundraising activity for the TLA LIBRARY DISASTER RELIEF FUND, this calendar showcases the charms and often concealed art of 21 women of the Texas library community. As members of the Texas Library Association, these women volunteered to reveal their ink and share some of their stories for the well-being of our state's libraries.

Who's in it? The Tattooed Ladies represent both urban and rural libraries; public, school, academic, and special libraries; and the state's geography from El Paso to the Gulf Coast and from North Texas to the Rio Grande Valley. You'll meet seasoned professionals and passionate lay advocates, retired librarians and library school students. Libraries thrive on and promote diversity and freedom of expression. The Tattooed Ladies of TLA calendar is a testament to both.

So forget those predictable calendars with cute puppies and nature photographs. Your purchase helps secure the future of Texas libraries and allows you to spend 18 months getting better acquainted with these fascinating and dedicated women of Texas libraries.

The 40 page calendar, priced at $20, is printed in full color on glossy stock (pages are 8.5 high by 11 wide) and will prove a prized office accessory or coveted gift.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Current Read - The Memory Keeper's Daughter

Right now I'm reading "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edward. It is what I decided on when I had trouble finding my copy of "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger.

The storyline is good but the wording is very tedious. I find myself skipping paragraphs sometimes. I don't usually have trouble enjoying a book but this one is giving me some trouble.

Here is the website's address if anyone is interested in checking it out. I didn't know that they made a tv movie about the book but I don't think I'm going to look for it.

Nifty Items For A Good Cause

I visit the "daily clicks" for all of these websites and saw these two awesome items. Man, I wish I had some dollar bills.



Ok...they seemed to work. I have it set up that they go to drafts first, just incase I need to make changes before they are released.

Sending A Pic - Test

I love pandas.


This is just a test to see how sending blogs from my phone works.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I added fishies to the bottom of my blog. Click and you will drop food down to them. That reminds me...time to feed Peanut Butter Krackers (my beta).


Welcome, Kora and Beth. I added your blogs as well as the Grass is Greener on the "Sites" part of my blog. Please let me know if you want me to remove them.

I hope I don't bore you guys too much. LOL

First Post

This is my first attempt at a blog. As I get more time and better acquainted with how this stuff works, I plan on inputting stories that are hot off the press and those that have had time to cool down.

For now, this is all you're getting.